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STI Policy Review To Reflect Current Realities- Onu

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The Minister of Science, Technology and Innovation, Dr Ogbonnaya Onu says Nigeria is in hurry to join the rest of the world in deploying Science, technology and innovation to nation building. Onu who stated this while inaugurating the committee to undertake the final revision of the 2012 Science Technology and Innovation Policy in Abuja said the ministry places so much importance on the effective implementation of not just the STI policy, but all the other policies that are associated with the Science, Technology and Innovation ecosystem. He said the target is to enhance a knowledge driven economy that will generate enough jobs for the teeming youths. Onu further charged the committee to ensure the revised STI Policy impacts on the wellbeing of Nigerians. Responding on behalf of the committee, one of it’s member Mej Bassey assured of efforts to deliver on their terms of reference. The Committee has a 2 weeks lifeline to deliver on its assignment.

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