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FG Considers Waiver For Employment Into National Commission For Person’s With Disabilities.

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The National Commission for Persons with Disabilities was established by President Mohammadu Buhari in 2020 with mandate to enhance inclusiveness of Persons with Disabilities to enable them contribute their quota to national development. The commission which oversee the affairs of over 30 million PWDs is under the supervision of the ministry of Humanitarian,Disaster Management and Social Development. Commending the management for a job welldone in the last two years, the minister Hajia Sadiya Farouq said it’s area of assignment is key to the policy direction of the president Mohammadu Buhari led administration. Speaking at the National Disability Summit held in Abuja, the minister assured of efforts to interface with the Head of service of the Federation to address key challenges working against the effective discharge of it’s responsibilities. Hajia Farouq however highlighted reasons why the commission should consider realigning it’s policies to service the needs of it’s target population. Earlier, Executive Secretary, National Commission for Persons with Disabilities, James Lalu applauded the minister for her unwaivering support to the commission. The minister had before the meeting commissioned the headquarters of the commission.

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