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Troops Foil Boko Haram Attack, Capture Cache Of Arms ln Maiduguri.

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The troops of the Multinational Joint Task Force (MNJTF) operating under Sector 3 in Borno State in a swift and well-coordinated operation, successfully intercepted a group of Boko Haram terrorists en route to launch a deadly attack along the Magumeri-Maiduguri axis. 

According to a statement by the Chief Military Information Officer, Lt Colonel Olaniyi Osoba, made available to the press in Abuja, the troops acting on credible intelligence, executed a tactical ambush, neutralized the threat before the terrorists could wreak havoc on innocent civilians.

The troops having positioned themselves tactically along the terrorists’ path of movement, engaged them t as they emerged from a forested area on motorcycles, using an alternative route. 

On sighting the troops, the terrorists attempted to flee but were met with a heavy barrage of gunfire. This decisive engagement forced them to abandon their weapons and motorcycles, disrupting their plan to unleash violence in the region.

According to Lt Col Osoba, the troops combed the area and recovered an arms cache including 2 AK-47 rifles, 51 rounds of 7.62mm Special ammunition, two magazines, 61 rounds of 7.62 NATO ammunition, and various contraband items, including marijuana, Tramadol, and a cigarette pack.

He said the swift action of the MNJTF not only thwarted a potential attack but also reinforced the ongoing efforts to maintain peace and security in the Lake Chad region. 

The operation highlights the Task Force’s unwavering commitment to safeguarding the lives and property of citizens within its area of responsibility.

The statement further indicated that the troops have since intensified their patrols in the general area to prevent any resurgence of terrorist activities, demonstrating their readiness to counter any threats and maintain stability across the region.

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