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Group Seeks Stronger Media Support To Inspire Clean Cooking.

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There is no doubt that Nigeria is faced with silent energy crisis with indications that one in ten households use clean energy sources and technologies for cooking.

The situation is worsened with the lack of opportunities to use clean energy sources to cook with many households relying on the traditional means like firewood and other poluting fuel sources.

The gesture as expected has several health implications with statistics from the World Health Organisation (WHO), attributing smoke from the kitchen to 95,300 deaths yearly in Nigeria.

As part of efforts to change the narrative and expand access to clean cooking in Nigeria, the International Centre for Energy Environment and Development (ICEED), organised a one-day training for journalists in Abuja.

According to the Research and Partnership Manager,ICEED, Precious Onuvae, the emphasis is to further project the gains of clean cooking and take the campaign to the nooks and crannies of the country.

The Energy Commission of Nigeria is the agency charged with the responsible of driving the Renewable energy project.

The Commission was represented by Ahmed Tijani who in his remake reeled out measures implemented to address clean cooking challenges in Nigeria.

The workshop was attended by representatives from various media Organisations with expectations by the organisers that the synergy will complement existing advocacy for clean cooking in Nigeria.

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