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Govt Needs Ethics 1st For Better Service Delivery – CSO.

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Need for Government at all levels to adopt Ethics in contracted businesses in Nigeria to ensure accountability, fairness and equity in procurement processes has been emphasized.

The initiative, Ethics 1st is aimed at improving transparency, scale access to African companies that demonstrate commitment to the highest standards of governance as well as anti-bribery and corruption, is to ensure that it helps businesses to do the right thing.

Speaking at joint roundtable media chat on Ethics 1st by the Centre for International Private Enterprise, CIPE, the Country Director, Accountability Lab, Odeh Friday said businesses need to be held accountable for the services they provide to Citizens as the real implementers of Government’s projects.

He also noted that the initiative will help check the issue of corruption in Government procurement processes.

Ethics 1st according to accountability lab serves as a powerful catalyst for fostering a corporate compliance culture among small and growing African enterprises.

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