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Recruitment: IPOB’s Threats Can’t Stop South-East Youths From Enlistment – AHQ

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The Nigerian Army has again called on youth from the South East to avail themselves the opportunity of serving the country by filling their quotas in various military and paramilitary recruitments, as well as the federal civil service ministries, departments and agencies (MDAs).

This was contained in a statement signed by the Army Spokesman, Maj.Gen. Onyeama Nwachukwu and made available to Channel Network Afrique, CNA in Abuja.

According to the statement, the brazen yet futile attempt to undermine national unity and cohesion, the proscribed Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) has again resorted to fear-mongering by issuing an unpatriotic warning to the vibrant and resilient youths of the South East.

It stated that, despite IPOB’s baseless threats, the ongoing registration for the 88 RRI has witnessed an encouraging turnout of applicants from the southeast.

“It is equally important to recall that South Eastern youths proudly filled their slots during the recent commissioning of Direct Regular Cadets at the prestigious Nigerian Defence Academy (NDA).

“The South East remains a veritable stronghold of loyal and professional personnel in the Nigerian military, who, unlike the unpatriotic and dissident IPOB elements, have pledged their allegiance to the Nigerian state and are excelling in service.

“IPOB, by contrast, is nothing but a band of terrorists and militias responsible for dragging the region into economic ruin.

“Their senseless enforcement of illegal sit-at-home orders has crippled hitherto blossoming businesses and enterprise, while their involvement in kidnappings and killings has brought misery to the very people they claim to represent.

“The latest statement from IPOB is nothing short of a veiled threat, designed to intimidate the very youths whose futures they seek to destroy for no reason than for selfish interest.

“It is crystal clear that IPOB has done nothing but exacerbate the suffering of the South East. It is a destructive force, and any youth aligning with their so-called ‘cause’ is doing so at the expense of their future.

“Southeastern youths are advised to disregard IPOB’s antics and pursue their noble ambitions within the military, a profession that values merit above tribe, creed, or religion.

“The gallant efforts of the Nigerian military in restoring peace to the region and curbing the menace of IPOB’s terrorist factions are well documented.

“The recent successes in defeating these criminals stand as a testament to the strength and resolve of the South Easterners who wear the uniform with pride.

“IPOB’s latest propaganda is nothing other than the wailing of a failing group, in desperation to remain relevant, even as it watches its grip slip away,” the statement said.

Gen. Onyeama also urged Youths of the South East and ndigbo in general to remain resolute.

“Let no one rob you of your dreams and rights.

“IPOB’s propaganda is indicative of the last kicks of a dying man attempting to sabotage your future and should be met with contempt.

“They have done nothing for the region but cause pain, economic devastation, and palpable fear.

“The Nigerian Army stands as a beacon of hope, offering avenues for self-advancement, honour, and service to the nation,” the statement concluded.

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