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FG Tasks States On Judicious Utilization Of UBE Fund.

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The need for state governments to ensure judicious and accountable utilisation of the matching grants for implementation of Universal Basic Education Commission (UBE) has once again been re-emphasized.

Executive Secretary of Universal Basic Education Commission (UBEC), Dr Hamid Bobboyi, made the call while declaring open a 6-day training for Accountants and Auditors of the Universal Basic Education Commission (UBEC) and State Universal Basic Education Boards (SUBEBs) held in Abuja.

Bobboyi who raised concerns at instances where state officials mount pressure on SUBEB financial officers to commit infractions and compromise standards, said the training was organised to familiarize them with the newly reviewed accounting manual.

The UBEC also raised concerns that previous trainings have not yielded significant improvements in workplaces, noting that regular quarterly financial monitoring activities conducted by the commission indicated poor record-keeping practices as well as infractions that violate established rules, regulations, and guidelines.

Other highlights of the workshop includes the need for the participants to take full advantage of the training programme to bring about positive changes in accounting practices at both the Commission and Boards.

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