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Matawalle, Naval Chief Decorate 29 New Rear Admirals, Task Them On Commitment To Fight Insecurity.

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The Navy Board has approved the Promotion of 29 Commodores To the Rank of Rear Admirals. Speaking at the Shipping of Stripes at the Naval Headquarters in Abuja.

The Minister of State For Defence Bello Matawalle, tasked the Newly Decorated Rear Admirals on the need to Ensure Greater Commitment To Tackle the ever-evolving Security challenges facing the nation.

Matawale expressed optimism that the Decoration of the promotion will bring renew vigor in the Fight Against oil theft and other Maritime Crimes.

On his part, the Chief of Naval Staff, Vice Admiral Emmanuel Ogalla, congratulated the newly promoted officers and vowed to met out sanctions to personnel Conniving with Criminals to sabotage the service Efforts.

The Navy Director Of Information, Rear Admiral Adedotun Ayo-vaughan was Among the newly Decorated 29 senior Officers.

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