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Troops Neutralize 151 Terrorists, Captures 456- DHQ

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The Defence headquarters has again assured of the commitment and determination of the Armed forces to end the fight against terrorism, Banditry and other related challenges across the country.

Director, Defence Media Operations, Major General Edward Buba who gave the assurance at a press briefing on the activities of troops in diverse operations in the past two week said 151 Terrorists were neutralized, with 456 others arrested in a feat that also includes recovery of arms and ammunition and rescue of several kidnapped victims.

Highlights of Troops activities in the South South region as it relates to Illegal oil bunkering was also mentioned at the briefing.

The South East Zone was not left out as Gen Buba affirmed the resolve to end the operations of the Indigenous People of Biafra and Eastern Security Network.

He said the military Will not relent on ongoing onslaughts against the various criminal groups until lasting peace is restored across the Country

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