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President Weah Launches Re-Election Campaign, Assures More Gains

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As preparation for the October 10 presidential election in Liberia reaches the homestretch, President George Manneh Weah has launched his reelection campaign in an occassion graced by mammoth crowds.

The September 7, launch of presidential campaign took place in front of several thousands of jubilant crowds in Monrovia.

The campaign launch was held simultaneously in the 15 subdivision of the Country as well with similar crowds. It was also held in the United States.

President Weah, who is the standard bearer of the Coalition for Democratic Change (CDC), pulled thousands of party supporters at a campaign rally in Monrovia, sending a strong message to opposition political parties that he could win on the 1st ballot.

Wearing a blue boubou and cap, President Weah, 56, was cheered in a Monrovia stadium by his supporters dressed in T-shirts bearing his image and that of his running mate Jewel Howard-Taylor.

“I am extremely pleased that you have placed your trust in me to lead this country for the past six years. I owe my ascension to the presidency to the hard work and perseverance of my supporters,” said Mr Weah.

“During our first term, we laid the foundations for peace, freedom of expression, macro-economic stability and the restoration of confidence in the national education system. I can guarantee that the years 2024 and beyond will be better for all Liberians”, he said.

The supporters were also wearing red caps, the colour of the Coalition for Democratic Change (CDC), the party of Mr Weah, a former international football star who has turned to politics. He was elected president in 2017 and took office in 2018 for a six-year term.

Mr Weah came to the presidency in 2018, promising to create jobs and invest in education. Analysts says the footballer turned politician has substantially kept his promises with laying of a strong foundation for a prosperous Liberia, which he’s expected to consolidated upon, if reelected.

Since the inception of his presidency in 2018, President George Manneh Weah has made great strides in all sectors of the country, ranging from the Health, Education, Youth Development, Gender and Social Protection, Microeconomic Stability and Growth(Monetary and Fiscal Policies), Food and Fuel Price Stability, Energy, Infrastructure, Agriculture and Forestry, Poverty and Growth Profile, Human Rights and the Rule of Law, National Security, Social Inclusion and Traditional Governance among others.

President Weah faces 19 rivals. Ellen Johnson Sirleaf’s former vice-president Joseph Boakai (2006-2018), businessman and party leader Alexander Cummings and human rights lawyer Taiwan Gongloe are among his main rivals.

The National Elections Commission has accredited 46 parties. More than 2.4 million voters are registered for the presidential and legislative elections to choose 73 members of parliament and 15 senators out of the country’s 30 senators.

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