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Troops Arrest Terrorist Collaborators, Destroys Crude oil Theft Vessel in Various Operations.

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The Defence Headquarters says it’s troops alongside other security agencies in a joint operations across various locations recorded tremendous successes in the offensive against sundry crimes bedeviling the nation.

This is as the troops in diverse theatre of operations arrested terrorist collaborators, neutralized scores of bandits and gunmen, raided terrorist hideouts, rescued civilians held hostage among other feats.

Addressing a press conference in Abuja to update Nigerians on its strides, the Director Defence Media Operations, Major General Edward Buba stated that the arrest of high profile terrorist collaborators in Kukawa and Konduga Local Government Area of Borno State among other onslaught by the Joint Task Force of operation Hadin Kai led to the surrender of some active terrorists fighters as well as recovery of arms and ammunition.

On the activities of troops of Operation Delta Safe in the South South Zone , Gen Buba stated that a vessel involved in Crude oil theft was intercepted and destroyed as well as several illegal refining site destroyed.

He also touches on activities of troops in the North West and North Central Zone against criminal elements.

While stating that the security challenges confronting the country requires a collective effort, Gen Buba attributed some of the successes to the support on credible information received from the general public and other sister agencies.

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