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Bobboyi Tasks SUBEB, Stakeholders On Basic Education Delivery

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The Executive Secretary of the universal Basic Education Commission, Dr Hamid Bobboyi says the commission will continue to partner with relevant partners for the effective delivery of the UBE programme implementation across the country.

Dr Bobboyi who gave the indication at a 2 day annual capacity building workshop for Subeb Directors of Social Mobilization and UBEC Social Mobilization Officers in Abuja, said the collaboration is inline with the federal government quest for goal unhindered access to quality basic education for every Nigerian child regardless of gender, socio- economic background or geographical location.

Represented by the Deputy ES Technical, Bala Zakari, Bobboyi charged the participants on the relevance of well planned UBE activities and sustainance across board.

The UBEC boss further added that the workshop intends to build the Capacity of the participants for quality basic education delivery especially at the State and grassroots level.

The UBEC boss further added that the workshop intends to build the Capacity of the participants for quality basic education delivery especially at the State and grassroots level.

Track up

The outcome of the 2 day workshop is expected to build the Capacity of the SUBEB directors of social Mobilisation from the 36 states and the FCT in providing effective leadership in the delivery of the various UBE programmes at the states and grassroots.

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